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For our generation, 2020 has been a year like no other. We have probably run out of superlatives to describe all that has happened at home and abroad. Because of the seemingly ever-present COVID-19 threat, the health department directives have introduced new practices that have moved us towards living more isolated and insulated lives. The advice is sound and intended for our well-being; however, we must be aware it applies to our external and temporal lives. That which is of eternal significance has not changed. There is still a world in need and a world to be reached for Jesus Christ. Our outward focus remains the same.

Since 1987, our church has operated under the mandate of being a missions giving and going church and to "Make His last command our first priority." This mandate has been our guiding principle for over three decades. It has been our "true north" and provided course correction many a time. As we move into what is humanly speaking, an uncertain 2021, it is reassuring that we know what God has called us to do. 

Our methods and emphases have had to adapt to the world in which we now live. By God's grace, and your generosity, we have been able to significantly contribute to the work of the Lord, both at home and abroad. May we continue to fully give ourselves to this.

1 Corinthians 15:57-58 NIV
57 But thanks be to God! He gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ. 58 Therefore, my dear brothers and sisters, stand firm. Let nothing move you. Always give yourselves fully to the work of the Lord, because you know that your labour in the Lord is not in vain.

Throughout history, it seems that when times are the hardest, and darkness prevails, the light of the Lord and His church shines brightest. Our world is ready for revival. May it start right here and right now.

Church family, in all locations, you are such a blessing in your community and our world. Thank you for all you have done and all that we will do together in 2021.

Much love,
Pastors Jack and Carol


The Faith Promise - Love Cares, Love Dares, Love Shares
We believe that God has called each and everyone of us to make a difference in our world. Collectively, as a church, our dream is that we would have worldwide impact, but how do we make that dream a reality? We do this through the Faith Promise and it is how we have consistently given around $1,000,000 annually to missions for nearly 20 years. 

What is a Faith Promise?
This year our theme as a church has been “Love Does”. That is what a Faith Promise is, it puts our love into action. It is a prayerful commitment that we make annually, over and above our tithe and general offerings with the specific purpose of accomplishing our vision in missions. Each of us step out in faith with a honest, willing commitment believing that God will provide the way for us to give this offering over the course of the year. You can choose to I’ve your Faith Promise offering in whichever way suits you best; weekly, fortnightly, monthly or as a one-time gift. 

How does it work?
Each year we set a vision and missions budget for the projects and work that we believe God would have us do together as a church. This budget is set off the commitment that our church members make which is what we ask that you put your name on the card so that we know it is a genuine commitment. These cards are only seen by our Senior Pastor Jack Hanes, Location Pastors and our Business Manager so that we can add these figures up next verify that they are legitimate. At no point will you be contacted and personally asked to give what you have committed in your Faith Promise. It is a faith commitment between you and God.

How should I approach it? 
The Scripture which best defines what a Faith Promise is can be found in 2 Corinthians 9:7-9 NLT:

2 Corinthians 9:7-9 NLT
“You must each decide in your heart how much to give. And don’t give reluctantly or in response to pressure. “For God loves a person who gives cheerfully.” And God will generously provide all you need. Then you will always have everything you need and plenty left over to share with others. As the Scriptures say, “They share freely and give generously to the poor. Their good deeds will be remembered forever.”

A Faith Promise is a thoughtful, heartfelt commitment to contribute to the missions work that we do as a church. It keeps missions from being something that we do as an afterthought but rather as a key part of each of our lives.

Spend time in prayer, asking God what He would have you give. After you pray, thoughtfully ask yourself these three questions:

What can I give?
Love cares so if I put this in my budget, what can I afford to give?

What can I give up?
Love shares, maybe there are some “wants” I can lay aside?

And if I add my faith to it?
Love dares, what can I believe God to provide?

This past year we have been able to accomplish incredible things across the world and it is due to the committed faith promise giving of our church. 

If you haven’t joined us in Faith Promise giving before why not consider in the future how you can join us in making a difference across the world. 




I believe this year that we have followed Christ’s example of love. Through a challenging year for all of us you have remained faithful in your giving to ensure that people across the world were helped in their need and told of the love of Christ.

Due to COVID there were some projects that were unable to proceed this year such as our prison outreach in Kenya or the crusades in Cambodia. But there has been a whole lot that was able to continue despite the many obstacles faced this year.

Your love has been put into action:
› Preaching the gospel over radio waves in Indonesia
› Providing clean water in Cambodia
› Performing heart screening and providing heart operations in Vietnam
› Encouraging the persecuted church in Iraq
› Giving medical care to people in need in Israel and the Democratic Republic of Congo, establishing and supporting churches in Indonesia, Malawi, Burundi and Zambia
› Empowering church planters in Brazil, Indonesia and Cambodia
› Keeping families together in Mexico
› Supporting missionaries in the Middle East

› Feeding desperate families in India
› Strengthening the church through a crisis in Lebanon › Helping children get an education in Sierra Leone
› Building homes for widows in Burundi
› Translating the Bible in Australia
› Evangelising in Israel
› Reaching young people in Phoenix, Arizona
› Rehabilitating girls rescued through Destiny Rescue

All of this is a result of your extraordinary generosity. We couldn’t do this unless we each joined together to do what we can to help make a difference.
Thank you for stepping out in faith so that people can see, hear and feel the love of Christ.

You have cared enough to give, you have shared generously with those in need and you have dared to step out in faith.

This is what love does!

Ps Mitch Varlow
Missions Pastor