As we enter into the second half of our missions year, our commitment to making an eternal impact through the preaching of the gospel and providing practical assistance remains steadfast. Echoing John Newton's timeless words, "Our work is great, our time is short, and the consequences of our work are infinite," we continue to pursue our mission with renewed vigour and purpose.

Over these coming months, together we are continuing our global outreach efforts, not only planting churches but also focusing on sustainable community development. We recognise that our contributions are crucial in empowering church planters and supporting those who provide essential care and assistance in various communities.

These impactful initiatives are fuelled by your generosity in Canberra, Melbourne, Phoenix and Sydney. Through our Faith Promise giving, we continue to step out in faith, trusting that God will work through us to create lasting change in nations worldwide.

As you take time to read through the impact we have had so far this year, we pray you would be inspired and encouraged that together we are truly doing a significant work.



Calvary AOG
Church Planting & Evangelism

A Paz do Senhor! Peace of the Lord!

For the past 12 years, we have ministered the Gospel in Brazil. In 2012, we had a team of eight missionaries setting foot in South America with nothing but two pieces of luggage. Today, we have four churches planted, a nationally accredited K–12 school, and evangelistic ministries in Brazil, Peru, and Colombia. Evangelism is a key aspect of our churches. With the public school authority’s permission, our youth group performed a faith-centered drama at a local high school. A multitude of students was impacted by the Gospel. Education is a key aspect of our ministry. Since we opened the school in 2021, Talmidim Christian School has impacted many students who live in low-income neighborhoods. Students enrolled have access to high-quality Christian education that encompasses mind and spirit. Through your giving, we built new classrooms that will foster learning and exceptional academics. We believe in investing in the next generation. We partnered with the Aljaba Foundation in Colombia to care for orphans and children with adverse living conditions. The children’s home has been a beacon of hope for those in the Amazon. Crossing the Amazon River, our missionaries ventured into Peru, preaching the Gospel in Spanish. Journeying further through the jungles, we witnessed to indigenous tribes. Please pray that our missionaries have good health and that God will raise more missionaries and leaders to bring revival to South America. Thank you for all your investment and sacrifice in Brazil and South America.


Sister Connection
Widows Homes

In Burundi, we partner with Sister Connection to address the pressing needs of widows living in extreme poverty. This project involves building 12 homes for these widows, many of whom are also caring for children. This initiative tackles one of the most fundamental human needs - safe and adequate housing - which is often out of reach for those living in extreme poverty, especially vulnerable groups like widows.

By providing homes, we offer more than just shelter; we provide stability, security, and dignity to these women and their families. This can be a crucial stepping stone out of the cycle of poverty, allowing the widows to focus on other aspects of their lives such as childcare, education, or income generation. The project not only improves the immediate living conditions of these families but also contributes to their long-term well-being and community integration.


Africa & Beyond
School building

In the past year, we launched our first school in Gatumba, Burundi. This school, New Hope Academy, currently has 80 preschool students. Together with your support and the support of others, this year we were able to build two more classrooms for the preschool. In addition to building the classrooms, we are supplying all necessary office furniture and supplies, staff salaries for one year, uniforms for 100 more students, all student supplies, as well as shoes and classroom supplies. We have found that schools have little trouble supporting themselves; it is in the initial building and expansion that they need our support. Therefore, whenever we start a school, we fund each classroom for one full year. This allows the school to save all incoming tuition for the following year.

Twenty of our students at New Hope Academy are orphaned children whom Africa & Beyond fully sponsors. We are committed to seeing their education through secondary school.

All of East Africa struggled with severe flooding this year. Thankfully, while coming only 50 meters from our site, the floodwaters did not reach the Hope Center or New Hope Academy property. At this time, we are exploring the possibility of expanding our Hope Center outreach to provide more assistance to the orphaned, handicapped, and elderly members of our Hope Center. Adjacent to the Hope Center is a piece of land that could serve as what we would call “Anna’s House” (see Luke 2:36–38), where these most vulnerable members could come, spend the day, have their basic needs tended to, as well as receive medical care. This part of the project is still in the planning stages as we are in negotiations with the owner of the property who is keen to sell.

Thank you, Imagine Nations Church, for your faithful partnership
over the years.

Jamie & Lea Peters


New Life Fellowship
Wells & Church Planter Training

Greetings from New Life Fellowship Cambodia! We are truly thankful and grateful for you. Thank you so much for your love and passion to build the Kingdom of God around the world. Your passion and generous heart are transforming the world for Jesus Christ. Thank you for your support and partnership with us here in Cambodia to build the Kingdom of God.

Our School of Church Planters and School of Leaders serves and partners with our churches to plant more churches in Cambodia. We had 225 leaders engaging in our School of Leaders and 30 active church planters in our School of Church Planters.

For our Collaboration Mission within our churches here in Cambodia, to fan the flame of evangelism and empower believers, we are very excited to let you know that there were 15 local mission teams with 310 of our members who went out to serve our provincial churches, and in addition, we sent two teams to our neighboring country as well. We work closely with our community projects to empower and elevate local churches in our communities.

We would also like to express our sincere appreciation to you for your faithful support toward the ministries here at New Life Fellowship Cambodia. New Life Fellowship Cambodia and all its ministries will continue to be a city on a hill that impacts every sector of society. We know that God has so much more for Cambodia! We are committed to moving forward with the vision and calling that God has given us.

We sincerely appreciate your partnership and value your ongoing prayer and support. May God bless you and all the work you do to transform the world for Jesus Christ.


Mercy Indonesia
Church Planter Support & Radio Stations

Church Planting – Discipleship

Praise the Lord Jesus, this past year we continued to support 30 church planters across Indonesia. Eighty-five new churches were initiated. As part of this expansion, 132 new cell groups were started. Within this network, there were 510 new salvations, 165 baptisms completed, and evangelism reached 1,877 lost people in Indonesia.

Radio Dian Mandiri

Radio Dian Mandiri has 54 stations across Indonesia that broadcast the Gospel, worship music, and a Bible College program. Radio is an extremely effective method for reaching the lost across Indonesia’s many islands and remote areas. Through our programs, millions of people have been blessed, had their lives restored, and many continue to accept Jesus as their personal Savior. Praise God! On average, two souls are saved daily through radio ministry, and there are ten daily prayer requests on each radio. Radio has had an enormous impact in reaching Indonesia for the glory of the Name of the Lord Jesus.

Thank God, through your support, 3 radio stations—namely, Radio Borneo Singkawang, Radio Dian Mandiri Alor, and Radio Mercy FM Soe—can provide an extraordinary impact on the listeners on their islands.



At Sepheo, we work with some of Lesotho's most vulnerable and excluded people. We get children off the streets and back into families. Because of Sepheo, Lesotho doesn’t have an issue of children living on the streets anymore. It’s a massive change to how things used to be. Whether it’s boys undergoing rehabilitation through our boys’ school or girls who have suffered trauma in our girls’ school, each one finds belonging and purpose as we walk with them and their families. Young mothers who had previously neglected their babies and toddlers now have the load lifted and are engaged parents again. Their children are whole and now indistinguishable from other children in the village.

So often, we are consumed with the challenges of the 600 families that we are currently involved with and dealing with them at their point of crisis that we forget the incredible transformations that happen around us every day. We always talk about the power of Consistency Over Time as one of the key factors to our success. When people first come to Sepheo, they are at the lowest, most hopeless time in their lives. They have suffered physical or sexual abuse, neglect, abandonment, eviction, or their lives are in danger. In all these cases, our team gets right to work, walking with people patiently over months and years. Our teachers are experts at welcoming broken children, our childcare workers know how to help a traumatised infant to recover, and our social workers can help a dysfunctional family to become a place of nurture. We have seen again and again—now over 10 years—that if we can just get a child to Sepheo, they're going to be okay. Thank you for praying with us. Although the load is heavier than ever, we are filled with more confidence than ever that what we do works.

The consistent generosity of IN Church is just so dependable.
We are so grateful for your partnership.


Open Arms
Keeping Families Together

2024 has been an incredible year for Open Arms. On June 28, we celebrated a monumental milestone by dedicating our third childcare center in Los Pinos, Baja California. This center, a labor of love three and a half years in the making, is now ready to serve the community. Currently, we have 15 children enrolled, with the capacity to welcome 75. As each child finds a sponsor, we'll gradually open our doors to more families in need.

One of the most heartwarming aspects of this new center is its director, Cynthia Garcia. Cynthia’s journey with Open Arms began in 2005 when she was just a child from one of the first families we welcomed into our La Mision childcare center. Watching her grow up within our community, then joining our team after high school, getting married, and now raising her own children while leading our Los Pinos center has been a beautiful full-circle moment for all of us.

Our La Mision campus continues to thrive, caring for 75 children and keeping them safe from the streets and orphanages. Excitingly, this September, La Mision will also become a Christian school, the first step towards our vision of transforming all three campuses into private schools.

The Camalu campus is flourishing as well, with 100 children in our care. Our mission doesn't stop with childcare; both our Camalu and Los Pinos church plants are expanding their reach. This year, our Mexican congregations have committed to supporting the construction of a new church in Cuba. We've already made three mission trips to Cuba, laying the foundation for this new place of worship.

Our Milk and Honey café, inspired by our visit to INChurch Australia in 2020, continues to be a beacon of hope. Every profit from the café goes towards missions and missionaries. Some of these funds have even helped purchase the property for the new church in Cuba.

This year has truly been a testament to the power of community, faith, and dedication. We're excited to see what the future holds as we continue to grow and serve together. Thank you for your generosity. Together, we are reaching the lost and helping families.


Destiny Rescue
Child Rescue

In Nepal, we collaborate with Destiny Rescue to tackle the urgent issue of child trafficking. The project focuses on border rescue operations to prevent children from being trafficked across the Nepalese border. It plays a critical role in safeguarding vulnerable children from exploitation and abuse, ensuring their safety and protection by intercepting trafficking activities at critical points.

Beyond rescue operations, we also prioritise the reintegration of rescued children with their families and communities. This involves providing the necessary support and resources to facilitate a smooth transition back into their home environments. By focusing on both prevention and reintegration, the project aims to create a sustainable impact on the lives of the affected children and their communities, helping them recover and build a stable future.


Open Doors
Supporting Persecuted Christians

The Persecuted Church in Nigeria

In Nigeria, the most violent place in the world to be a Christian, you are equipping widows with income-generating activities so they can continue providing for their families after the loss of their husbands. Attacks on churches and homes, violent ambushes, and abductions for ransom are the most prevalent threats to Christians and especially widows in Nigeria.

Each year, thousands of Christian women, particularly those married to pastors, lose their husbands when they are abducted or killed.

Your support is providing small business training and microloans for Christian widows living in rural areas, helping them to generate their own income and provide for their families in the wake of extremist violence.

The Persecuted Church in Yemen

In Yemen, the fifth most dangerous country to follow Jesus in, you are helping us to equip house churches and the families who attend them with everything they need to be strengthened in their faith.

Yemeni society is strongly Islamic, conservative, and tribal, and the tribal punishment for denouncing Islam can be banishment or death.

As conversion from Islam is forbidden by Islamic and state law, Christians risk severe repercussions from their families, the authorities, or Islamic extremist groups. This can include divorce, loss of custody of children, arrest, and interrogation.

Your support is providing biblical resources, discipleship training, food packages, medicines, and more to help Yemeni Christians, like Saleh, to stand strong amid persecution.

Saleh’s journey exemplifies resilience and faith amid adversity. Despite arrests and death threats, he continues his mission with an unwavering belief in divine intervention.

Saleh remains deeply involved in the house church network he founded in Yemen. Though he resides abroad, he frequently returns, undeterred by threats. His love for his country is immense, yet a permanent return is currently impossible. Nonetheless, he seizes every chance to visit.

His most recent journey involved several flights, where he shared the gospel with fellow passengers. “On one flight, I had deep spiritual conversations with a Saudi man, and on another flight with a Qatari man, with whom I am still in contact,” he says. “I knew that I could be immediately caught and thrown into prison as soon as I reached Yemen, so I wanted to do my spiritual role to the utmost, just in case that happened.”


Rabboni Missions

In Freetown, Sierra Leone, we collaborate with Rabboni Ministries to focus on the critical areas of education and child support. This initiative recognizes the transformative power of education in breaking the cycle of poverty and creating opportunities for future generations. By providing educational support, we are equipping children with the knowledge and skills needed to build better lives for themselves and contribute positively to their communities.

The support provided extends beyond just academic education, including aspects such as school supplies, uniforms, meals, and even infrastructure support for local schools. Additionally, the child support component involves addressing other needs such as healthcare, nutrition, and social services. This comprehensive approach to supporting children in Sierra Leone demonstrates an understanding of the multifaceted challenges faced by young people in developing nations and a commitment to nurturing their overall well-being and future prospects.


ACC World Relief
Heart Surgeries

In Danang, Vietnam, we partner with ACC World Relief Vietnam to address a critical health need among children. Their project focuses on providing heart surgeries for 12 children diagnosed with heart defects. This life-saving intervention targets a vulnerable population, offering hope and improved health prospects for children who might otherwise face severe health complications or shortened life expectancies.

By focusing on pediatric heart surgeries, we are making a profound impact not just on the individual children, but on their families and communities as well. These surgeries can dramatically improve the quality of life for the children, allowing them to grow, attend school, and participate fully in society. The ripple effects of these interventions extend to relieving the emotional and financial burdens on families, and contributing to the overall health and well-being of the community.

Democratic Republic
of the Congo

CELPA Hospital
Feeding Prisoners, Medical Care, Vocational Training

In Bukavu, Democratic Republic of the Congo, multiple projects are underway to address various community needs. The primary focus is on providing essential medical care through a hospital and the construction of a new maternity ward in Nyantende. This expansion of healthcare facilities will significantly improve access to medical services for the local population, particularly benefiting expectant mothers and newborns.

Beyond healthcare, our work in Bukavu extends its support to other vulnerable groups. They provide sustenance to over 2,000 prisoners by distributing rice, addressing a critical need within the correctional system. Additionally, we are supporting vocational training and care for young girls who have become pregnant and face rejection from their families, providing them with essential skills and support for a better future.


Wings of Compassion
Young Mothers Care

In Nairobi, Kenya, we partner with Wings of Compassion to create a safe haven for young teenage mothers and their babies. These girls have been victims of incest rape. They and their children are at risk because their child is evidence of a crime.

This initiative goes beyond just providing shelter; it offers a comprehensive support system that includes care, education, and ministry. The project aims to empower these young mothers, giving them the tools and resources they need to build a stable future for themselves and their children.

By focusing on education and spiritual guidance alongside practical care, Wings of Compassion addresses both the immediate and long-term needs of its beneficiaries. This holistic approach not only supports the current well-being of the young mothers and their babies but also works towards breaking cycles of poverty and social exclusion, fostering hope and opportunity for future generations.


Eye Openers
Cataract Surgery

In Payakaropeta, India, partners with Eye Openers to tackle a specific health issue prevalent in the region: cataracts. This ambitious project aims to provide 1,000 cataract surgeries to people in need. This initiative addresses a significant health concern that, if left untreated, can lead to severe vision impairment or blindness, greatly affecting an individual's quality of life and economic opportunities.

By focusing on cataract surgeries, we are making a tangible and immediate impact on the lives of those served. Restored vision not only improves the health and well-being of the individuals but also enhances their ability to work, care for their families, and participate fully in community life. This project demonstrates the power of targeted medical interventions in transforming lives and communities.


Ha Tikva
Dental Care

In Jerusalem, Israel, we partner with Ha Tikva Dental, providing essential dental care to those who cannot afford it. This service addresses a critical health need often overlooked in humanitarian efforts, improving overall health and quality of life for the beneficiaries. By making dental care accessible, the project helps prevent more serious health issues that can arise from neglected oral health.


Eva is an 85-year-old Holocaust survivor from the Kharkiv region, Ukraine who made Aliyah to Israel 21 years ago. She was born three days before WWII began. Right after the war started, her parents left everything behind and fled to Tashkent, Uzbekistan, where kind people helped them survive. She says those people were a miracle from God for her mother and three children, as her father went back to the war zone to fight against the Nazis. Later, they found out their house had been bombed, and all their belongings were stolen by local citizens who had nowhere else to go.

Recently when speaking with us she began to cry because of the pain in her broken arm. She had taken a bad fall in Jerusalem and is awaiting surgery for her broken arm.

We prayed for her to have a quick recovery and encouraged her. She said she felt better, cared for, and loved. Eva was very appreciative of the dental care she received at HaTikva Dental. She said it was meant to be that God brought us into her life!

Regina is a 91-year-old Holocaust survivor. She came to HaTikva Dental in need of dental treatment and a partial denture. She lived under Nazi occupation during the war. These were horrible times. She eventually grew up in an orphanage, because all her family and relatives, about 90 people in total were killed by the evil that reigned in occupied regions of the Soviet Union. Her memories of childhood in war times included sleeping on concrete, hunger, no schooling or education, and fear. Regina survived and married, raised a family, and eventually came to Israel.

She received care from Doctor Maher, who was very nice to her. And we are grateful for Regina and others that we have this chance to talk and touch the hearts of those who still are alive and went through one of the most devastating tragedies of all times.


The Bible Society
Evangelism Resources

On behalf of the Bible Society, I would like to express my gratitude to Imagine Nations Church for partnering with us in 2024. For many years, Imagine Nations Church has been instrumental in funding and distributing Indigenous scriptures and resources. Bible Society Australia (BSA) is dedicated to helping Indigenous Australians access the Bible in their heart languages. By collaborating with local translators, churches, and partner organizations, BSA coordinates and funds workshops and provides expertise through translation consultants. To further the work of Bible translation, BSA supports the training of local Bible translators through the Nungalinya Theological College in Darwin.

Here are some statistics about Indigenous Australia:

  • 1,209 language varieties are recognized by AIATSIS.

  • 3,000+ people speak Pitjantjatjara as their first language, with another 5,000 speaking it as their second or third language.

  • 1,500+ people speak Noongar (a notable rise from 443 in 2016, as per the 2021 census).

  • 400+ languages are listed on BSA’s Translation Roadmap, with 27 active and possibly 100+ potential language translation projects
    in the future.

The goals for 2024 are:

  • The Pitjantjatjara Old Testament Project will continue translating the books of Ezekiel, Isaiah, 2 Samuel, and Proverbs, with plans to print Esther and Judges as single-volume editions.

  • Two teams of Noongar translators will continue working on the Gospel of Matthew and Psalm 23, with plans to begin translating
    the Gospel of John.

  • BSA (along with several key mission partners) will continue to partner with Nungalinya College in Darwin to provide formal training for Indigenous translators. This year, two language groups (Yolngu Matha and Murrinhpatha) will complete the second year of the three-year Translation Certificate course. A new language group (Bininj Kunwok) will commence the first year of the course.

Imagine Nations Church, your support is making a massive impact for our Indigenous brothers and sisters. Thank you.

Sam Collins


The Bible Society
Biblical Resources

In Israel we partner with The Bible Society of Israel to support the distribution of biblical and evangelistic materials and facilitate evangelistic outreaches. This spiritual focus complements the practical health services, aiming to meet both the physical and spiritual needs of the community. Through these diverse initiatives, the mission in Israel strives to make a comprehensive impact on the lives of those it serves, addressing both immediate physical needs and long-term spiritual growth.


Missionary Support

In an undisclosed location in the Middle East, we support an Australian missionary family engaged in vital outreach work. Their efforts extend beyond their immediate location, reaching out to surrounding nations with the gospel message. This work is particularly significant given the sensitive nature of religious activities in many parts of the Middle East, requiring discretion and cultural sensitivity.

A key aspect of this mission is the support provided to local pastors, which helps to strengthen and sustain indigenous Christian communities. By empowering local religious leaders, our partners contribute to the long-term sustainability of Christian faith and practice in the region. This approach of working through and supporting local leaders helps to ensure that the outreach is culturally appropriate and can have a lasting impact.


Miracle Praise
Church Planter Support, Children’s Feeding

We greet you all in Jesus' name. We are so grateful to God for Pastor and Carol and all our INchurch family. What an amazing privilege and joy to partner with you in bringing hope to the hopeless in Liberia. Since January, your giving has touched many lives and won 71 souls for Christ!

1. Church Planting

  • Three trainings were conducted in Bong, Lofa, and Bomi counties.

  • 144 pastors trained in church planting.

  • 29 churches planted, two in Bomi, a Muslim-dominated county.

2. Children Feeding Thinker Village

6,920 children were fed in a place where they felt loved and accepted. For most, this is the best meal of their week and their only food for that day. Families say this program is their lifeline, and they pray it continues and becomes more than once a week.

3. Rice Distribution

186 widows and old folks received rice this July in total. What a joy to see the smiles of relief on their faces.

Praise Christian School

  • 156 children registered in 2023.

  • 108 attended classes consistently from nursery to 5th grade.

Also, the Tudin chief, community elders, and school teachers are teaching communities about valuing education. Therefore, as a drawcard, the free uniform given to every student this September will also encourage parents to educate their children.

Thanks to the generosity of students and parents of
Penrith Christian School, our students of Praise Christian School
will be unified.

  • The building is nearly completed with only the ceiling and floor left. It has been a much bigger project than we all anticipated, and the long rainy season made it harder. But glory to God, thus far He has taken us.

  • Six trained teachers volunteer from the community.

Church, because you stretched your hands to give to His cause, may the King stretch forth His hand to bless you always.

We love and appreciate you all so much.
Gertrude and Timothy


Love Mercy
Seed Loans

2024 has been a huge year in our Cents for Seeds program. Green gram seeds have been distributed for the first time this year to improve the climate resilience of the program, and training on this new seed type has been very successful. Heavy rainfall presents challenges for participants as they prepare their land for sowing, so training has encompassed the use of mulch and other materials to prevent soil erosion and help participants maximize their harvest even during above-average rainfall. Income-generating activity groups are now in full swing, with participants working together to start sustainable businesses to supplement their income. Some of this year’s activities include raising goats and chickens, tailoring, and farming extra land.

Thank you for your support.


    John Newton