ISRAEL - The Bible Society of Israel


Dear brothers and sisters of Imagine Nations Church,

We praise the Lord and thank Him for His goodness, grace and sovereignty throughout 2020, in spite of the COVID-19 pandemic, and we look forward with enthusiasm and hope to serve our Lord, together with you, also in 2021.

We have a living God that speaks to the world in every moment of the day and of the night (Psalm 19) and gives time to more people to find Him and reveal His love to them in Christ.

In this passing year, 2020, many people were socially isolated at their homes and saw each other much less. This pandemic is still on going and affecting many people not only financially but also mentally. By the grace of God and through partnership with you, we were able to provide the Word of God to thousands of people through out Israel. We drove again and again with loads of Bibles that we gave to young and new believers, to migrants and refugees, to needy believers, congregations and to others who also used them for sharing and evangelisation.

Many of the Bibles reached the hands of seekers and new believers and for this we are very thankful. We provided Bible and Scripture books to children, youth and families which were a special blessing especially as families had to stay at home and schools were closed. People were very thankful and happy and it brought us joy!

A special occasion was to provide the newly produced Hebrew pocket Bibles to a group of 30 young and new believers and to share and teach them about the faith in Yeshua. One of them is a young girl who comes from a Jewish Orthodox background and a broken family. She had to leave her family and home but was full of the joy and peace that she found in Yeshua.

In this year we also completed the production of new Hebrew Bible resources. One of them is the new Pocket Bible. Such a Bible was not previously available. We produced a special edition to soldiers so that they can have the Word of God with them at ALL times (soldiers are not allowed to have their smartphones in various roles and locations). Young believers were also thrilled to have this Bible that they can carry with them and read at all times. We already gave away several thousand of them and soon will need to print again. Another production we completed is a Large Print Bible. As the local body of believers grow, we see again and again elderly people that are asking for a large Print Bible. We thank the Lord that now we will be able to bless and encourage them with this new Bible.

New resources for outreach and for sharing the message of the Word of God are also needed. We therefore completed the production of a new title for sharing the Gospel here in Israel. It is titles “The Feasts of Israel, their biblical and prophetical meaning”. In this booklet we explain what is the message of God through each of the feasts and how they are all connected with each other, together reveal Gods plan of salvation and are fulfilled in Christ.

Please pray with us that the Lord, by His grace, will use all of these seeds of His Word to bring forth new lives in Him.

“The grass withers, the flower fade But the word of our God stands forever.” Isaiah 40.8.

“Those who sow in tears shall reap with joyful shouting” Psalm 126.5.

Victor Kalisher and the staff of the Bible Society in Israel


DEM. REP OF CONGO - Dr Sosthene Birhange