Session 7: Sow Generously

Summary of Video Content

The topic of money is a personal matter, but it should not be off-limits to the disciple of Jesus. Jesus talked about money and generosity more than all other topics combined! James Moffatt: “A person’s treatment of money is the most decisive test of his character, how they make it, and how they spend it.”

“No one can serve two masters …” (Matt. 6:24). I have but one Master. I can earn money, but I serve God. We cannot say to Jesus: “I give you all my life, but I reserve the right to do as I please with my money.” He has access to everything I have, and I have access to everything He has.

The disciple’s attitude towards money: ready to give and ready to share. 1 Tim. 6:18-19. This helps us recognise that God is our source and not ourselves.

Three steps towards a generous life

Tithe 10%. As disciples, we give God 100%. Giving 10% helps me to put God first (Deut. 14:23, Pro 3:9, Matt.6: 21, 33). I love my church, and the tithe is how the church is supported (Mal 3:10, 1 Tim 5:17-18). I tithe, not out of obligation or even to receive a blessing. I give because I am grateful to God. (Eph. 1:3, Rom 8:17, 1 Cor. 3:21, 2 Cor. 12:15)

Alms. Giving to the poor, financially, and poor in spirit. This includes overseas missions, local missions. Giving to others and their needs as we become aware of them: e.g. supporting the weak (Acts 20:35, Matt 25: 31-46)

Secret Giving. Blessing others without them knowing who. No recognition or thanks required. Alert to the prompting of the Holy Spirit (Matt. 6:4)


  1. What does money represent? Think of this in terms of your own life or in the lives of others you have observed?

  2. In Matthew 6:24, Jesus indicated that money could become “master”. How could this happen to an individual?

  3. What does it mean to give Jesus 100% of your life? What aspects of life would you include in this statement?

  4. Have you experienced secret giving? What inner work occurs when we practice giving a gift in secret? What negative tendencies are quashed?


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