Session 6: Share Your Faith

Summary of Video Content

The wonderful message of Jesus Christ is good news for the whole world! (2 Cor. 5:18-19) We are to do more than enjoy His salvation for ourselves alone; we are to share this good news with everyone, everywhere. (Isa. 52:7-8, Mark 16:15, Luke 24:47-48, Acts 13:38-39)

Some believers have a specific call to evangelism, but all of us have the call to share our faith.  We may feel out of our depth, to begin with, but we all can do this!

Five ways to effectively share your faith

  1. Be Sincere. Not perfect, not brilliant, know all the answers – just honest, authentic and from the heart. Not forced or argumentative. Share what you do know and your personal experience.

  2. Have a genuine concern for their soul. Consider the value of a soul and eternity. (Rom. 9:2-3) There is no other way of salvation. (Acts 4:12, John 14:6-7, Rom 10:14. Genuine concern (love) pushes past personal fear. (1 John 4:18)

  3. Action. Make a move, step out, speak-up. (Ja. 2:14-15, Josh 3:9-16)

  4. Rely upon the Holy Spirit. (Ro 8:14, Col 4:5-6, Jn.16:13) Follow His leading, believe He is already working, Holy Spirit encounters. Be “open for business.”

  5. Expect results.  Plant the seed of the word of God in the heart of another and expect God to work. (Is. 55:10-11) Experience real joy! (Luke 15:7)


Read Acts 4:8-13. This event followed the significant healing of the man lame from birth. (Acts 3:1-26, 4:1-32) 

Note how Peter and John were described and contrast this with the supernatural events that surrounded them.  From this account, what would you say is ‘our part’ and what is God’s when it comes to sharing the good news? 

What makes it possible for natural human ability to combine with God’s supernatural power?

How many of the ‘five ways’, mentioned in the video, do you observe in the healing of the lame man? (Acts 3:1-10)

What has been your experience in sharing your faith? Real joy?


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