Session 9:

Generosity is a core characteristic of God.

John 3:16 “For God so loved the world that He gave his one and only Son…”

Romans 8:32 God... did not spare his own Son, but gave him up for us all”

Not only did God give us His Son, Jesus laid down His life for us.

The journey we are on: becoming more like Jesus everyday

The apostle Paul encourages generosity in 2 Corinthians 8:1-15.

Paul gave the Corinthians an example to follow…the inspiring example of the Macedonian churches.

What we learn is that their giving was

(a)            Initiated by God’s Grace v.1

(b)            Transcended Difficult Circumstances v.2a

(c)             Generous vv.2b-4

(d)            An Act of Worship v.5

Paul goes on in vv.6-15 urging them to give willingly and proportionately.


  1. The Macedonians giving was initiated by God’s grace. The Greek word for “grace” means “especially the divine influence upon the heart, and its reflection in the life; including gratitude”. How is God’s influence in our heart, reflected in our life?

  2. Have we ever had difficult circumstances that have tested our hearts when it comes to generosity?

  3. Have we ever been double-minded?

  4. Apart from our finances, how else can we be generous e.g. in serving, words of encouragement, etc.

  5. The opposite of generosity is greed, selfishness, stinginess, and meanness. How do we overcome this?


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